This Will Not END in Death...
In the beginning of the story of Lazarus being raised from the dead (John 11), John intentionally says that Jesus LOVES Lazarus. He LOVES him. And He loves his sisters, Mary and Martha. It’s important we understand this backdrop because when Jesus hears Lazarus is sick and nearing death He STAYS where He is as hour after critical hour rolls by. That’s right. He LOVES them. And in the moment they begged Him come, He DOESN’T move.
Lazarus dies. Jesus shows up “way too late.” Days too late. Martha is heartbroken. Mary is angry. And Jesus understands. How could they begin to fathom what was actually happening?
He goes to Lazarus. He weeps. He weeps because he LOVES Lazarus. He weeps because death is an offense and a dagger to the heart of the God who came so we would LIVE! And then, with little warning except the clearing of His throat, time turns backward, death is reversed, and hope emerges from the grave. “Lazarus, rise.” Lazarus breathes again. Mary and Martha breathe again. The entire town stands in awe. I imagine it is in this moment that one of His disciples faintly remembers Jesus’ words from days earlier echoing in their spirit:
“This sickness will not END in death.”
Jesus never promised we wouldn’t face devastating losses in this realm. He never said we wouldn’t stare in the face of the death of a dream, or a friendship, or a loved one. As one whose earliest memory is my father's funeral and one who can still feel the piercing pain of the phone calls where I learned that my sister or my close high school buddy tragically passed, I know.
Jesus never promised if we'd only follow Him that we never be heartbroken or angry. In fact, He said following meant taking up our own "cross" (Luke 14:27). Jesus never assured us we would hold even the faintest understanding to why heaven seemed silent in the moment we so desperately begged Him to come. He simply said it wouldn’t END in death. Please hear me. Death isn't the final word. It isn't the end.
We do have to walk through the “valley of the shadow of death (Psalm 23).” But there are 2 reasons in that place we can “fear no evil.” First, our God is WITH US, walking us out of that valley every step until we feast in green pastures. But second — and this matters supremely if your heart is shattered in the wake of the loss of something precious — for any in Christ, the valley of death is ONLY a shadow.
"The valley of the shadow of death is ONLY a shadow."
It has no permanent substance or residence. It will not END in death.
We will go THROUGH death straight to the other side. To LIFE. And we can rest assured, He’s not just walking with us through the valley of the shadow of death. When our legs give way and we can go no further, He is waiting to carry us. Our story doesn’t END in death. He is making all things new. Right now, even as He weeps with you in your heartbreak, I can hear Him clearing His throat. Hold on. Your hope is coming. Amen, Come Lord Jesus.
"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. For you are with me!" Psalm 23:4