This Will Not END in Death...
In the beginning of the story of Lazarus being raised from the dead (John 11), John intentionally says that Jesus LOVES Lazarus. He LOVES...
First Church of...Vanilla Ice?
So, here's the first thing I heard today on my morning prayer walk: “Too many churches have adopted the theology of MC Hammer when...
You Won't Have to Ask
I am a hot mess over here. The goodness and grace of my God on active display right in front of me is too much to take in. My family and...
Into the Uncomfortable
Uncomfortable: n. Causing unease, slight pain, or awkwardness. Uncomfortable. Un-comfortable. Even the mention of the word makes...
A Wife of Noble Character
I love days like today! The inexpressible and incessant flow of God's love for us shouts for our wonder in every sunrise, in every gust...
This Beautiful Chaos
As the first authentic hint of fall blows in the evening breeze, I stand taking in my partial junkyard of a backyard. Our large lot backs...
Dear Grieving American
Dear Grieving American, You’ve been on my mind. A lot. I see you in the stories I read and across my own social media pages. I feel the...